Sunday, May 6, 2018

the malady of disconnexion, of quavering eyes and a mixed-up brain

"You go on looking. Her face 
is given over to sleep, it's silent, 
asleep, like her hands. But all 
the time the spirit shows 
through the surface of the body, 
all over, so that each part bears 
witness in itself to the whole - 
the hands and the eyes, the curve 
of the belly and the face, the 
breasts and the sex, the legs and 
the arms, the breath, the heart, 
the temples, the temples and 
time. "  -The Malady of Death, Marguerite Duras

why can i not see my body as a whole, why am i so disgusted, so horrified that i can only look with a certain myopia at individual parts out of the corner of my eyes, making faces at myself if only to take myself less seriously, as if that would make it all right?

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