Wednesday, May 2, 2018

having thought time was linear, i was in for a surprise. or watching too much X-Files. hard to say.

gusty blustery night and the dark and the old fears, the old fears fresh and follow me back inside and i am dirty, i am stained with cigarette smoke, i imagine. i smell of it. and how is it possible to be present in two places at once, in two opposing times? happened before at christmas on the d-day beaches but that was somebody else's history and my beautiful, sun-drenched present. illumination of one and the other at once. this, this is different. a darkening of both. full solar eclipse. leaving me breathless and shaking and retching and alone. weighted with images and secrets i should not have to bear.

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and then there are the days full of sunshine or rain and i am impervious to each, dual presence in time, sometimes more here, more there, sometimes nearly throwing up on the side of the road for experiencing again something i had not wanted to remember.

sometimes fully present feeling the rain run down my face in rivulets wanting to scream YOU ASSHOLES, YOU SHIT-EATERS, YOU WREAKERS OF DESTRUCTION AND HAVOC ON THE WEAK-HEARTED, THE SMALL-HANDED, THE GIGGLY, and i want to say at moments like those i am made of an iron-skinned bravery which erodes at dusk. a cinderella, a robert coover's briar rose.

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dusk again and the old fears rise like vomit, as vomit, manifested as such. i am belle and i will appease the beast.

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one day courage will rise in me with thunder and i will be properly angry. i will rage with the fire of ten thousand suns. i will no longer not be able to punch people in my dreams, my teeth will not fall out. one day i will avenge myself.

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