Sunday, April 29, 2018

the stillness following

the rain should be ending soon. i can only hope that with it goes the strange, twisting melancholy that compels me to fill my days with planned pursuits of sweet things and the sick that follows. the quiet in my head that follows that. stillness and gravity in time to this endless downpour.

i'm having too much fun with this, getting too sucked in. it fills the hours, it's something tangible to think about. really gripping drama, this. in the rain i run red lights as if they were stop signs, thinking only of what to eat next and where to be sick. i'm only at the beginning, i know. it's a slick path down from here and i'll be swept away by these torrents of rain that curl my hair and turn my skin paper thin.

for now, a glassy-eyed silence and that hum in my head is quelled. there is ice cream in the fridge yet, and chocolate, but they will have to wait. i have better things to do, i suppose.

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