i am getting kind
of despondent about this blog. or is it me i'm despondent about? fuck, i don't
know. certainly it's not what it was. but neither am i what i was five months
ago. i am not sure who is failing whom here.
my writing is
turning to crap. i am a novelist at heart and there is no plot arc, no
character development, no evolution here. just a slow spiral down: more
desperation, more insanity, more isolation. i can see where this is going; i
have read this one before. i have lost rhythm and cadence. i have lost the
music of my words and without it my head is blaring a melancholy silence that
is at times deafening. i find i am repeating myself too often. same words, same
phrases, same plot. wasted, wasted time. only my titles are gaining strength.
this blog is going
in circles and i'm saying less and less intelligent things as each circle grows
tighter, closes in on itself. i'm feeling trapped and useless. i hide myself
behind pretty words but my pretty words are dissolving; they're becoming dark
and frantic and i cannot imagine you want to read such things. certainly i am
hesitant to share them, raw and bleeding as they are. and certainly i do not
want to see them, admit them to myself. how much of what i write is fiction,
anyhow? how much of what's happening in my brain is merely my subconscious's
boredom? am i really fucked up or is this all still just a game?
i have lost my way, i have lost the plot, i have lost myself somewhere in all this.
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