Sunday, April 29, 2018

en Angleterre

the more i try to explain myself the more i find myself to be inarticulate, unable to find words. i become lost in imaginings of my own expressions, my own body, in your language and intonation, in my own desperate inability to describe things. can we not return to the days of letter-writing? can i not feign deafness and carry pad and paper with me everywhere? write haikus in answer to your questions, novellas to show you how we think the same, and how different. words form themselves beautifully in my head, fall in place and swirl about and burst forth on paper with each frantic leap of my heart, but my tongue is but a dead thing, still and cold. i am more and more ashamed every day and i wonder how long i could not talk before i disappear entirely. how long i could not eat before i disappear entirely. or would my mouth operate of its own accord sooner or later and spit forth a flurry of words, participles and conjunctions and nouns all spinning together in a frenzy. 

too much or too little of anything is bad i suppose but i just wish i could unstopper my tongue, teach my brain to speak and when i am being looked at, to not panic. staccato beats of the heart should be words, not fear. i will learn in february a new language and how to speak with my hands and maybe that will make a difference. maybe one day i will find the right medium in which my words sparkle like firecrackers without the necessity of backspace-rewrite-delete-delete-think a bit-rewrite-delete. alas. i am lying to myself. i am a writer only and doomed to fail at the spoken word. life-long hermit. well, there could be worse things.

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